Sunday, February 27, 2011

From the window III

From the window III

Many months passed before I took this shot, no signs of cold winter, but lots of green instead. Another not so fantastic shot - still practicing.

Thursday, February 24, 2011



My first attempt to use self-timer, I guess it was working, I haven't used this later on, should try some other moment. Numbers of the film are still visible and it has been turned blueish while scanning, no post processing, as the previous one was brownish.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

From the window II

From the window II

The first shot I took outside of the window was about the apple-tree blossoms. On this one you can see...well, not much. Just branches, another house and snow...nothing interesting happening yet with the mini medium format camera.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Agent Provocateur

Agent Provocateur

Yes, it is really wise to take a photo of your wallpaper. NOT.
I guess it was another step trying to use Ljubitel, as obviously there was need to use it, no matter that the subjects were boring.
Learn by doing, eh?

Saturday, February 12, 2011



Though this frame doesn't actually contain any visible image, which makes it's blank, but as in the previous shot you can notice numbers, it is still a photograph, as time and photo chemicals have managed to compose a photograph.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Stayed in roll for two long

Okay, this is what you get when you have finished a 120 roll and you do not develop it for five years.
Focusing error is of course not due to that :P